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Argus Monitor 3 Crack 4l: Why You Should Choose This Software Over Others

The best humidifiers go a long way to making you happier, healthier and much less itchy. In our desperation to dry out our air with aircon and central heating, we've triggered all manner of malaises, from cracked lips and static shocks to asthma, eczema, sore throat and psoriasis.

Humidifiers are commonly used to treat issues that arise when the air is too dry including dry and cracked skin, congestion, allergies and a dry throat. They can also help you to sleep while alleviating snoring.

Argus Monitor 3 Crack 4l

It has come to our attention that the installation instructions for the following items were unclear, specifically page 15 of the instruction manual, advising customers how to connect the cable for the oven. If the connector block was wired incorrectly, there is a risk of overheating which in extreme circumstances could lead to a fire. In addition, if the temperature within the oven exceeds the tempered glass limit, there is a risk that the glass could crack.

; ;,.m I1 1 ;tf ii a -ft"! ;n t.: iF...4;ifSand rt.M-of ?1 W'to avrrhf tit'V..rth-l-V.mitiiv -i.i'-iATIA the A'.''ai1"!n''!'IJJatlikepate! THE DAILY CLARION 1B STAXDABDLOCAL DIRECTORY.ASSOCIATIONAL.Hiionlf. Pearl Lodge Xo. SH C. Johnson, W.M : u. i- l'orter. r-crt-tir v. tur:ttir commoaii ations first Saturday eroniug in each moalh.Siia Brawn Lorfire' No. fi.. Ataoa R. .JohnstonW M.: Geo. A. Smyth. Secretary. ' KegularnimmoiiicatiiiDi ou cue evening ot tne Ultra mobdav in each munth.Jackson It. A. Chanter. Xo 6. Thn PalmnrHitrn Jriest: J. H. Kchola. Secretary. Kegnlarmonth.Mississippi Commandery. No. I. Thoa. Palmer.E. C: J. H Echula, Hocurder. Meeta ad Tuesdayio each month.I. O, O. ". Capitol Lodge, Xo. II, T. D Pace,Noble Grand; llenrv hi rati. Secretary.ercry Thursday Kite CoraptBf Bio. 1. Thou. Green,president: H. B Evans. Foreman: I. Wraoaa, Secretary Keicular meeting first auoday rauujio ca-'h month.Mississippi KIAti, Win. French, Captain;it J. French, Secretary. Regular meetings firstMouiiay evening in each mouth. Drills nrat andttnrl I'riiiavs in each month.Emmett Circle, V. H. W. F. Fitzgerald,Centre; ' P. Smith. Adjutant; C. A. Luak, Seei-et.try lleular mewiuirs tirat and third Satur.uvs in ea.ii month. Grills every Tuesday night.Arrival and Utptrlari or Malta.XIIKTHKBN Mali.J r riven A M. daily, (except Kundav;; rlusee.i I r. mnkw oki.kayb Mah.Arrives at 6 15 r M., daily; clone at H t.THF F.ASTEK.1 MAILAmvea at i r. .; closes at 8 a M., daily, except life open daily from 9 a m until i P. .oi. Jiidaya, from li to lu a. m.Thk Folkth in Jackmis. Tlie whiteI'Opulation of 'nir city having turnedover, tlic j'lorioii.- Fourth" to thereal - '-Ireednien" of the corporation,the latter ftfipareil to enjoy the transfer immensely. The colored Sons andIuulitci s of Temperance, were out intin ir full strength, with martial music,un 1 handsome Iiaimers upon whichw.-re iii-.i-rilied the soLi-r mottoes ofi!n-ir order.Wiin i:, Kft'.k A Kootks. These'-!it!i-iiHj!i are (jondiietin the businessi of ( 'utt'iii Factors and General Cumi iii i - - i ti and Forwarding Merc-limit at:j Jt Main Street, Memphis. Thi'j' solvit consign tueiits of cotton, provisi .ii, pro-li.ce, etc., and will promptlyli.l :iil onler.s. Col. White, of the firm,l- the popular President of the Miss,and Tenn. Railroad ; Mr. John Kerr,a- formerly of Augusta, Ga., andil Ge F. Hoote-j is a well knownSt. Louis merchant. We commendtl;n house especially to our NorthUisissippi friends.I)us lloso A- FI ai;kim;to. It willbe sci ii bv notice in our advertisingi alliums that Doctors M. W. Hoyd andi L F. Harrin'rton have formed a part-1rti i hip for the practice of their professioii in ih is city. The senior of thefirm is to well and favorably knownIB this community to require anyespecial mention at our hands. Dr.Harrington is a Mississippian, a gentleman of refinement and culture, andraiili-. hLdi in his profession. He hasbeen residing in our c ity for the pastsix months, and socially and professionally, has been winning goldenopinions from all with whom he haseOine in contact." Ltw leiuKS Wantiu. Smeiles itMarshall's Reports, H vol. S. it AF-s.Charieery Reports,! volume; Howard'sReports," volumes ; Freeman's Chancery Im ports, 1 volume. Any one having these books for sale, can disposeiiem E of them at this ollice.tlie l t . .ore or Thf rrisel SmiilHy School t'el'Hitt T bration.--- At a meeting of the Committee oflllUlll? Managers on Wednestlaj' even-IV, A't fcij.l.isi, it was determined to have the-i11'1"' Cfclehnition on Thursilav, 12th inst,"IKK. t - - 'iV""--in tlie G rove known as-the Austin orj'.OIlcy grove. Thai all necessary ar-,tstrti-s:fajigcineiits might be speeilily made,fiinr:Sie following sub committees were appointed. 'tli l" : v K' French, Chairman ;v 1Mil, - !Fm .1 brown, Jr., X. II. Royd, Arthur6. t-rger and M. li. Richmond."io't- E nvit. I'kon isions. Sam'lLemf$?h -?r.. Chairman ; Win. A. Whiting,e 1 i.innell and lhos. Palmer, Jr.Pr'ii:im; Rkkuksiimex rs. C. II.linship. Jr., Chairman : I). A. Javnes,' m ItHt.v Mios. .1 Wharttn Jr., J. J. Green,r. .-Mvaun ami rain i iv mien.tivi lT- :!!;"; i;in; GKol'XItS A N It GkXKKAL.urri: - -iHlitii." ; wB4N - tm h nts. ('has. M. Evain,.'.'mX'ri tinman : Wm. E.Spencer, W. T.. y tii!ii,i;. .J;is. Richardson and Geo., i;,-i-s fpR0 . i:mmf .Wm. French, Chair-w-iiVm.A Whiting, Thos. Palmer;T HOli, C U. Manship. Jr. and I). A.r;ne-''JV"'' ipi'i-intendents of the various''"'I'o. '0, ''cing ex-ollicio members ofI eu--.'"!T ii- f Jiimuttee. were requested to actCommittee to invito orators for"tOOcasion : also. ti anrtoint a rom-...tcM-'Vf l i lies to superintend the dis'ti f hiich refreshments as mayMi"1- ' fprovi.led.t; 1 1 1 ,( Committee of Managers willIvCII-"' ' n-':'11 ;lt ,r o'clock to-morrowi, -i. -:n.JJt f4'11- at Prof. White's school room., a. "fire pleased to state that Mr. II.' ' I'.s w now msiuufaeturin an iai-M-.I. -''on lor the occasiou. Thettie iV" f Gallon, in every respect, promis--.V-'' & a erand atfair.A N I) c EL EI5KATI O NiK THEOrleans Fire Department.Vet' Diii.t from th inst.I"'i a Ti.-ketn t'roiu .la'ken to New 1 r-I lf:u ami liaok, fer jli 7".lVii,-v..Bt- J..ii I'as- ug. r an.l Excursion Train:he ni-rnin-el the in-t. tothe !th, lK'Ui'-he.i ivrt t-liaiiee for all who nut (Uire;"...v .1-1. .l.irii. o.; 1 .t i - , 'i it ,,uiiti mis nt K. mrT 1 i-U bration will "xe,l in Knionilnricrt"- r,hrs l - ' ' i'1 Kino in iruir tcaiN.tMv- KI. WAKE,tli-.iT, I t fiftteral Tl ket Aireiit.trleans.A. J. KEKK, Ajft tit.JaekoHi, Miss.Xkw tKLHANS, June 1, isw.iaii d with me in mv C'oinniemal- !. ity, Messrs. MeKinnolt t'o.,J Mi-., and Messrs. A,lkiu.. Iuu-T a ' Ua. Iiieo a. t la ami will -on-om-te above we aolicit for our Newwl.t . a .- HmVft s " Factorage au.l lieneral C. iW' oi tpf i v,1,-ss under the stvle and firm of -"JV"J -ham, McKi-aolI A Co... nuii . . . .V t f P5tro" ure of our friemltt. Our Invt' vTt. I ",v l I given to the sale of Cotton--l, t it- tteil iu iuc Mile vi muuiii C n0tJf """iuee. and to the purchase of Wef treceries anil other merchandize,on eonmgn-rk. Boston,SELL CO.47 Caromlelet Street,New llrleans.lsJilUi,lx? ! I lfATIOJI4llV.t.Fft'r' i0Ur friends in Xew YoI'si'oocf t .'i.'u'ITn"i and (ilassrow.!-- 1,1 -cKt I t'l XHAM. MeKlX-nd :.,vli-,. . ', -erai years cxnerienee lu' tit-i1- ft J " ;t . " "lul,o, "iTinctpai oirl'te,i " " - -. ".atem ilB. . a, M ""e oi ine nest inatituVeW Orl'vl'. f."fe bergudon Female lnnti-hi AS ptr i 4 Can U -"-u-ics. Higher Englishtk'Oi J 1 CE e t' references.'SaSSrtoflgSfOC at thit office. .ii ai a1 i i. :,, t - iwis .SPECIAL NOTICES.Notice.Person,1 wanting CemeUTj Lot with bean.ful and substantial Iron Bailing, can hsye thesame done at reduced priees, Xo better monument of e-toem can be erected to the memoryof the dead than mose ienees made at the Jackson Foundry y STE"XX5 & HUGHES.jyl-2td.Ta Kry 9Iaat aa4 Waaaaa. With noordinary Ueyree of pleasure we call attentionto the advertisement of 3. P. Promgoole i. Co.ine "Oreat Southern Preparations" are prepared with medical t-kill, experienc and abiU-ty, by ome of our resident Physicians, witha determination that they shall nirit publicesteem and confidence. They are not secretsor patent; are selling will and (riving satisfaction, and being an entirely Southern enterprize, we predict an imiuen-e demsud. Mem.phis Daily -JM lrn.Trata aaa llaaralr.What are the '-lireat Southern Prenara-iiona rAre thev the result of medical ex iK-riencr. inme ssjlltn 7Are they wnrt or Pateut IYet.aratioiis?Should we irive them nrefi rem-e over Nor.tnern l"reparation?Do they comprise a ' orranulv Medicine IL)o thev merit our natroiiatre and confidence 7Are thev uretiarcd XherinUil for Diseases ofine siiiiun rKi ck, A- t'o will take pleasure inanswering all or the anove tiueftions.teJMlm.SCUELY,STEADILY,.HL'CCESSKCI.LY,S.MULANDEUS' EXTRACT BIX'KUIS Cl'KINGevn-cjje of Kidney TUeaM, Kheiuu'itmm, Orwl.u rmarv liiftonieni, n Mititfrn ami i'aiu in UiiSiM k, J-enisle CoiuiiImiitHaud I roubles anius fromoxr.esB ui any kiuu.OOMK, YK AFFLICTED!TKY SMOLAXDERS.TAKE NO OTHEE B U C K U.Snlil In- ail Aixithwariea. Price II. I). EARXKS.,pw s ui a. ami r. r.r,, A 1,1' at if...New ttrlt-aim Soutlicro Ajj-utM. IlLKi.KJIiH SckOtiKKS.,ili- lrui:i:iHt.i 1-Mtini. Maaa..lirral Autita. marcblslij?...... ... .SPECIAL NOTICE.IMPORTANT TO LADILK.MKJS. VIA'SLH"8 MYSTIC PILLSAr pr onl r for a U imt rnr0(t. idar tber oaly a. d -f)VrtiT -f.riDt fir alt thp,iful ai. i danja-eroi ji-orj s . to wjich tti Ketnal count it Dtiott i eiuttjtct .Tlacy tire iUe only Genuine Kcmnlc PIIImEltAttf.No articl f nii tnt-ii(ll lor Hip xrlumvenit ol lnialit, that ban rvpr tuni" jt b nppraraDC,Ti(. rnt-t wtb fitip nn Trii fttrr a MK8 WIN-HLWS MYM'IIC PI I. LN MU i . l-tt! ami tUh, and conitq'tDtlypa hiiy fnatir; a f ituin dl-'t-ae(il. These ('ill-'re th rrn!t o mnli n'ujy ani rrfa' expriccfa all variv i K 't tmai c Diplniua, aai Io ai! eisfiif irTiilaritit mf't-rfiin. laorrtu-a or whit-a,a i ' w r niBT '! l onBy tbWr In- ih'n atintf Proprrii- tbt- ajivULe audJiy -aflno it lii prdv.., th tin of t ai"' U p?orrtto h-t It-, wfaknt-s of Ui p:- a:d Jitoh r1 f ved. ai t h- fniii"nfim o Vt-r,n thi,ityr nio' No irai d wif or raothr h uld hewi'hout lh- vV-'lTt; PILiaS.Try 'tiii, kim t convince! ibai tb-y ra tlieLady'a Frit ad.Fric i&J ir box. or 3 boxa f. r For aa byall (Irnfffftft a.JAM R (iCNHOAL,Vh )lnal A L'hth,May.m NEW ORLKAX8.THE Ql'EKN OFii he: i;iMo-i;i:s ::Ttii n-w iir.iAra'i n J.'B-.N, not only inncm bur i-t vm'up.It i a- iuf . iOti K- Btorer and Preserver ufHair if fnithlully rpp led.It ta lit Hair Dye IIt autH iliri-ctly npna th routs of the hair, chauvinagrv bnir ! itn oriiual liti colir; arrA-Hing prfinataie decay an 1 fa'ltnic out of tu bair; eraitit-Htt igcorf aad 'laiiilrutT ami curing all bunion f thelnllio .of t': flne-it articl- f. f th..- ToMet.It m!I Iniiire dry an l wiry hir tn nft and luxnnriunt trf-.ii,--,.It inipir a a delirth'ful frairranrff to the hair.u horl it yon wUh to rea'ore yonr l.air, ad layoutb. and retain it through life, Uiie.Mrs. Wlailow'i Uur'n Hair Ktitortr,Priea tl per bottle Moln by all Driuigiits.JAMKS OONEO AI., h. le ale Ajrent.MaySJfiin NEW OIU.KAXS.Ml rili:U. HtlLROAD.CHANGE OK S C H E D U L E.ON and aft-r Sunday, aa April, lsfiB, the fulliitrina Schedule w ill take eflm-t:KAST.Iaenrer Traina leave Vk-kiburg 5 A. M.;Ja-kaon 9. .to do" " arrive Meridian ri.4e P. M.WEST.PaaHcnger Trains leave Meridian 6-t.r. A. M.;J.m KK.n S.:t.l P. M ;" arrive Vickalmrii S,:t5 A. M.;(ConuiM-tin with New Orleana, Jackiton andtireat Northern Railroad at Jackaon, and withSelraa anil Meridian and Mobile and Ohio Honda atMeridian R. C. KLAlHiUTKK,April a-dtf Chief ii(. and Uen'l Snt.spec Ta l n cT t ice.The co-partnership heretofore cxi-tiuif beiwwn Dr. K. S. Huek, Dr. P. T. Haley and.Ino. T. Buck, under the name of Buck, HaleyJt o., havinir Ix-en dissolved by the death ofi T. K. S. Huek. it becomes necessary to closeup all out-Ktandimr business :Therefore, all ptii sotis indebU'tl to the n-centtlrni, are hereby notified that they must settlewithout delay, 'or the accounts will he put inthe hands of a eolli-etor.The business will lie continued at the oldstand, corner State ami Pearl streets.P. T. ISA LEY,je21dlm. JNO. T. HI CK.VliKNTLK.M AX. a Presbyterian Minister,itV desiresa situation as Teacher in some hijihsi-hoid. 3ualOualilied to teach the modern lan-(TU iires. Adilress thisortieu.AddJune 3ti, lsoil-Jt.VOENTl.EM AX desires to renter purchase,prefer renting, thn-e or four liundretlacres of msui land. Addres this ollice.June .'50, lNiii-lt.' For ICtMit.OXE of the most desirable residences inwet Jackson, with an excellent (iardenand outhouses attached. Wood yard, Stablesand arriaie houses in j;ood order. Apply atthe Clarion Ollice.June 2Sth. lstjti-:St.BRINLY'S PLOWS.-T'E have on hand and are constantly manuw facturimr a tine assortment of our unrivalled llow, suited to every kind of soil, towhich W6 call the attention of the Plantersand Merchants ot the South.THE KENTUCKY WASHER AND"JiifAr RINGER.This washer has no eiiual. having proveditselt up"rior in every contest. We warrantit to wash faster, witli less wear to therlothing.and less lalor to the operator, than any otherwasher in America.Send for a circular.BRIXLY.IH.lDOK I1ARDY.Sole Manufai'turcrsand lValcrs in the First-class Agricultural Implements apd Machinery.112 W, Main, between 3d. and 4th. Sts.LOUISVILLE, KT.April 2S'Gu-tf.For Sale,riHE north quarter of five acre lot.'Xo. 2,A north. In the iity Jackson, opposite theresidence of Dr. C. S. Knapp, with the improvements thereon.For terms, Vc. entjuirv ofC. A. BROl OnER.jeliKllm. Sic-v of State.Capt. C. V. CAHPIIELL,AOEXT for Way'i Impraved fotlaaPrtlh ha left Jackwui. and will be absentsome weeka. AU comnnnicatioos aidTeaaed to him.Box Xo, 111, Jackaoa Post Office, will receive promptattention. i-idtf.S. WEYER,State Street.J Cheapsitle,JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI.OTFKRS for sale a flns ortmeal of Toys. Delia,),,. Fish Hooka. Crockory, Tin -ware and atrwM variety of faniy (oooa. April ludfialFor Sale,F1RT Y acres of land in West Enterprise. Itis within the corporation, and part of it hasbeen in cultivation. AppW tnTHOS. WOOLVBETOX,Enterprise, orJ. J. SHANNON,jo'slawlm. Ja-kson.WAVERLY HOTEL,-ar er Caaaa aaa lyara. NEW ORLEANS,BY MRS. I. GRANT, who would respectfully iafonn her old friends In Mississippi, and the public generally, that aha is stillprepared to furnish good fare and pleasaarooms on the most reasonable terms. A shareof public patronage solicited. Jewaij,t , :AWs, . imedical:FEMALES DELIGHTEnglish Female BittersEnglish Female BittersEnglish Female BittersEnglish Female Bitters 'English Female BittersThe result of Southern ExperienceThe result of Southern ExperienceThe result of Southern ExperienceThe result of Southern ExperienceThe result of Southern Experienceror an r emaie i ompimntFor all Female ComplaintsFor ail Female ComplaintsFor all Female ComplaintFor all Female Complaints.Will cure painful menstruationWill cure too profuse menstruationWill remove unnatural obstructionsill cure Hysterics and Palpitationw tu cure Leucorrhn- or v mteIt satisfies old and younsjIt satieties old and younIt satisfies old and youngIt satisfies old and youm?It tatisties old and roumrIt delimits Hti-band and WifeIt delights Husband and WifeIt deliht-t Husband and WifeItdelit'hU Husband and WifeIt delights Husband anl WifeA powerful It-male and L terine Tonic.A fKiwerful Female and I'terine Tonic.A powerful Female and I'terine Tonic.A Powerful Female and I'terine Tonic.A powerful Female and I'terine Tunic.for Your Blood,ie coNvrrn'TioxAL monarch.OK COXSTITn iOXAL MONARCH.I'sE COXSTITI TKjXAL MOXAKCH.I'm: (oxsTin'TioXAL monarch.I sE ( OXSTITUTIONAL MONARCH.It cleanses and purifies the bloodIt cures all skin diseasesIt cures camp itch and tetterIt cures all form of SyphilisIt removes all imtiurities of the bloodI repareal by AleMiniiis i'nysieians.Prepared fiy Memphis Physicians.iTeparetl Uv .Memphis I'hvsicians.Prepared by Memphis Physicians.For Cholera and DiarrheaI'se Red Diarrhra Remodyt se isei Kiarrleea RemedyI'se Rel Diarrhoa RemedyI'se Risl Diarrhira RemedyI se liiHl Diarrhica RemetlyFor Chronic or Acute DiarrheaFor Chronic or Acute DiarrheaFor Chronic or A-cute DiarrheaFor Chronic or Acute Diarrhea&,r hroni. m Acute I uarrlieaFor Cramps, Pains ami VomitingFor Cramps, Pains and Vomitingr or I ramps, 1 'a i ns and omitini;For Cramps, Pains and VomitingFor Cramps, Pains and YomitimrIt smells uoil, tastes Is-tter, acts liest.It smells iroo(, ta-tes better, acts Is-st.II smells fjooil, tastes lietter, acts best.It smells ";ood, tastes lietter, acts l'-t.It smells (rood, tastes better, acts best.Far Your Kidney,I'se Sevantieur's Ext. Bcarberrv. Culieb andBuchii.I'se Sevnntieur's Ext. Bi-arbcrry Culs-bs andHuchu.I'se ss-vantieur's Ext. ISearltcrrv Cubebs andHuchu.I'se Sevantieur's Ext. HearlM-rrv Cubebs andliii.Jiu.I'se Sevantieiir's Ext. Bearlierrv Cubebs andHuchu.It cures the Kidneys and BladderIt cures the Kidneys anl BladderIt cures the Kidneys and BladderIt cures the Kidney- and BladderIt cures the Kulnevs and BladderPut up in k o.. Bottles for 1Put up in s oz. Bottles for 1ut up in Hoz. Bottles for f 1ut up in Hoz- Bottlevfor 1'ut up in b oz. Bottles for tlJ'repared by southern I'liysictansI'rejiored by Southern PhysiciansPrepared by Southern PhysiciansPrepared by Southern I'hysiciansPretmred bv Southern PhvsiciunsWarranted the best an J cheapest.Warranted the best and cheapest.Warranted the best and cheapest.Warranted the licst and cheapest.Warranted the best and cheapest.For Chills and Fever,SE DE LA ROOKE'SsK DE LA RIM IKE'SSE DE LA Hi MIKE'SSE DE LA HiMlKK'8SE DE LA Rt MIKE'SKINO OF CHILLS.KIXU OF CHI LI J.KINO OF CHILLS.KING OK CHILLS.KINO OF CHILLS.For lie I .a Rooke's Pile SalveI'se De I-a Rooke's Pile SalveUse De l.n Rooke's Pile SalveI'se Da La Rooke's Pile Salve1'se De l.a Rooke's Pile halveThe Result of Ixiiitf ExperienceThe Result, of Lou; ExjierienceThe Result of Lout; Exiw rienceThe Result of Lontf ExperienceThe Result of Loiuf ExperienceThe Great Southern Preparations.1'he Great Southern Preparations.I'he Great Southern lreparations.he Great Southern Preparations.Are Pref'crreil by the MassesAre 1'referred ay the MassesA re Preferred by the MassesAre Preferred by the MassesAre Preferred bv the .MassesSold by Drtiiriri t s and .MerchantsSold by Drtifiirists and MerchantsId bv Drturirtsts and Merchantssold by Lruinsts and MerchantsSold by Druuists and MerhantsJ. . DRO uGflULE, i. CO., Proprietors,Memphis, Tenn.$ Co., Agents,Jackson Miss.Bi t K. BALEYmay 1 l.ll.LVvt;t.Dli. SAMUEL GILBERT'SMl EPA RATIONS.UK. SAJU KL GILBERT, so celebrated asbavini; had for the last twenty-live years, in thetreatment ofCHRONIC DISEASES,the tnont lucrative Medical Practice in the South,has at. last consented to allow several of his most ea.teemed remedies to lie prepared and sold as proprietarv medicines. This resolution has been engendered by the repeated solicitations of those who haveexperienceii ine wenciii ui ins irnimno i - -aionalskill, and by the impossibility of Rivingespecial attention to each of the written applicationstuade to him for preecriptinns by those whose pecuniary circumstances or business habits, preclude thepossibility of applying in person to him.THE pinticMv rest atwured that the manufiWttirT nparneither pains nor rxpeoiM iu th preparation ottiit remtMUeft. iny are maue oi iuts vrry uwnit-duinoH known. iti"a hightv cou cent rated foriu,uptiustrictly ftcirntilic piiucip..DR. SAMUEL GILBERT'SIIE.XEKAL 1LTERATITIActs directly npon the Glands and Mueoua Membranes stimulating them to additional activity intlieir natural functions of eliminating from the Circulating Fluids the nsnal EfTete (and in disease,MorbiilT Matters, and eipelling them throngh theSkin. Kiduevs, Liver, and Alimentary Canal fromthe svstem. " It is, therefore, adapted for the reliefof chronic diseases affecting those organs, and of themucus membranes lining them such asERIPT10XS, TETTER, ULCERS, SCROFCU,J ACS DICK GOITRE,CHRONIC INFLAMATION OF BLADDESAND UTERI'S, ETC.It la particnlarlv useful in Suppressed Menstruation. Hereditary Taints, Svphilis. and maladies arieinir from Ion u continued nse of Calomel. Blue Mam,Corrosive Sublimate, Fowlers solution. Donovan'ssolution, and ather preparations ot mercurj anaarsenic.DR. SAMUEL GILBERT'STETTER OIXTnESTTa . n.. ... jkviwllMn. nntmrfttuui for the eiirelof thatclasn oi mauulies usually termedDISEASES OF THE SKIN,and which are popularly known as Chronic eruptions, Tetter. Pi ui plea, Blisters. Scabs, Scald Head,Milk-cnist. Ring-worm, etc.. eto.It will also kill Itch and other local vermin whichprey upon the akin. It softens and detaches theexcrenientitions matters deposited upon the skin;beals the cracks, blisters, and pimples, and rendersthe cutaneous surface smooth and pliable. It hasbeen used by Or. Gilbert with most satisfactory results, for many veara. It is offered for sale, in thisstvle, from the Arm conviction that it mast neeesaarilv meet with the hearty approbation of those whomake use of itFull directions for the method ef nsrnc these remedies, a pbun and accurate description of a nnniberof the different varieties ef skin disease, and manyvaluable suggestions in regard to their cure, will befound-printed on circular accompanying each package. These suggestions are the fruit of most ampleexperience acquired bv Ir. Samuel Gilbert duringhis extraordinarv professional career in the treatment of this class of diseases in the cJtiee of Mem-fihis. New Orleans and Ktw York; and will, it iss expected, enable most unprofessional persons totreat their own esses with much greater enccessthan that which usually fails to the lot of ordinaryphyskciana, .DR. SAMUEL GILBERT'SIIEAEIXf. OINT.TIEUTPossesses peculiar trniio ana aatrinraent Qualitieswhich cause it to be admirably adapted W the care ofVarisai Klads or fleers.Especially those which are af aa in distent satnre,and which are nsvaUy denominated "Uid Sores." Itis conftdeatrT believed ta ha aiaca sn pernor ta anyather preparation made fcr similar sai s : .Full direetiooa for the asathod of applyiag it,plain and acenrata dearripuoa af a aumioer of thediderent wietiea of Cleer, aad nlaaale diraetianain regard ta their rare, will he found printed on thecircular aceatnpaaTUur earn bar : which remarks, itis hoped, will enable aaeat Bjainfrasieiil r 1 otree t wir L Icera with ni-esser aueoes.w". ..,naoally expert ear'sd. t- "hyaiotana. Mannfa..' SainiUrp"Sold bv Drgi s ,Soudieni Slates. . A hoermltrade. &UU& VTsllMillia Vv.INSURANCE.STATEMENTOF THE CONDITION OF THETraTeler's Insurance Company,HARTFORD, CONN.,On the SOU day of April l-o6.jiaae to the Auditor of the state of Mississippi.Fipst. The name of this Company i "Theawawraaca l.apasjl" 11 llocated at Hartlord, Codsl, sad was incorporatedCapital.Sei om The amoaiit of Capital Stork isThimd. - p jSFoeaTH. Assets.Cash on hand in Bank. 97-iT-iCash in hands of Agentsand in course of tranmis-i one . oftuii.iasioa.Specie on hand, and in handsof Agents,Ami luaned oa Mortgagesof Real Estate.Am't loaned on J3ank aiid onUnited htates Slo kn.Am't loaned on Personal 11.".. -i"Il.tSi (IIINone,M.rr,i.i.l70.4"iJfariW rain-.r.'sl is'Accumulated Interest onLoans,Stocks and Bonds as follows,vu :e7o.4.-I'er rooic.t'nited States 6s ofSI, interest 6 pr ct. trsi.SouFnited States T-3is.Ik'iO.Mliinterest 7 Dr ctsrsi.tsio 2M,:i7ri4o.i 40. ism25,"' -,7'i5,11 4.7.S120,001) l-.-JlllI3e,uoo n,S75ni mo s.-ii10.isi 8,300l,ti)0 18,411111 ii.iXiO lojiin, "no Ivi.'ii"'l.-j.fioo is,-5ii1,0 a.oiioIn, is v ll,oi15,(K) -i,ni.'0.ISI0 30.UO0United States Certificates of Indebteduess. int fi or etConn ecticut StateBonds, int. 6 or ct.Wiic.i sin StateBonds, int 6 Dr ctTennessee StateBonds, int. 6 Dr ctVirginia StateBonds, int Cpr ctM. S and St IL.1 K.K Bonds.C . N'. Western RR. Bonds.Chicago Water LoanBonds,American NationalBank Stock, (:0Shares.) HartfordCitv National BankStock. Hartford.Pluenix National Bk.-Stock, Harttord.Farmer's and Mechanic s Bk. Slot k,Hartford."ew Britain NatalBank Stot k, NewSri tain. CMia .Napau. National Bk.Stock. Vork.Fourth National Bk.Stock. N. Vork.Railway PassengersAssurance (JosStock. Hartford.Total AssetsI. labilities,irC Liabilities toBanks, or others,due or not due.t7l 14, !75 74Stxth. Losses adjusted anil due.Semith Losses!either unailjusfd jor :Eighth. Adjustedand not due, J s.viXinth. Losses insuspension, waiting further Droof.TrtitK A 1 1 otherclaims against theCompany.1 -'.1.1.14 .v.3 14Capital and Surplus.oei.lit-i(io.Tllaeellnaroaa.Eleventh. The greatest atnonnt insured in anvone risk is ilu.uoii, except in special cases.Copv of "Act of Incorporation." sent Decemliersin. is,k; aiso a uenerai eower of Attorney tor anyand all Agents in tne State, to acknowledge s,t iceoi pro. can, ui4aine time.J. O. BATTERNU.President.RODNEY DENNIS,SecretaryState of Connecticut.County of Hartford. S 'Hartkoich, 7th May,Personally appeared Janiesau Bat ternu. President.ami Kodncy Dennis. Secretary, if The TraeelsrxInsurance L'ompiiuit. and severally made oath thatl ne soove statement tv tliem subsiTibed is true, ucording to their best knowledge and belief.iieiore me,CHAS. E. WILSON.Notarv 1'ublicTHE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. jAUIMTOH'S OFKICE, J AfKSOX.l"I. Thiw. T. Swann, Auditor of Public Accounts.f the State of Mississippi, do herebv certify thatl no l ravelers lusurance Company, liMatcdHartford. Conn., has complied with the Act entitledAct to regulate Agencies ot roreign Insurancecompanies" approved January Jist, ir.u ; and inirtue ot the Mwer invested in me. by said law, Iereby authorize D. N. Barrowa Agent for saidouipany, at Jackson, in the conntv of Hinds, totransact business ot Insurance in tnis btate, untilthe tirst dav of March. Ir67.Given under mv hand and seal of otnVe. at. 1. h : tlie city ot Jacksoa, this Jeth day of nay,A. u. ISWi.THOS. T. SWANN.jelGd.lw. Auditor of Public Accounts.STATEMENTOF THE, T.i nil I. ifp Inciirniif'o rnnmnnvlOF H A I! T F O K D , C O X N . .On the lf i January, Istlfi.Keceived for Prcniitims and Interest during the year ending the 1st of .January,lss.$l,KsVMl.r.7Di.bHrKrairDii.Paid Claims by death, $ 91.47ti.7fitoreom. to Agents," Exchange, I.IM-J.ori' " Med. Examinations, 1S34II.4H" Expenses, to-wit :Irintine. Salaries. Postage,Travelling Expenses. Kent,Advertising, Stationery. esi. 12Paid, for Surrendered Mill-cies. Taxes, Ke-Insurance,.St.nnp Tax. c, '!7.SM.l:iI'aid for Dividends, 57.H43.4H3i7,Stlf..a4Balance for the year added to SurplusFund.Balance per Statement, January 1st,lsdj.f 1,135, 14-33SS1.5S8.72ii,ll:'..rl.(15Assets,Loans upon Mortgage of Heal Estate,tirst lien of record. (Citv property.)appraised at, " " Slim,Real Estate, 1:1,Bund. Ver value. Market valttHartford City, 5,(lnO .1,0uoIndiana Cent ! Mort1 4-1.50OHO.UOgage, 7, booCleveland and Pitts.K. K. Mortgage, 1,04X1Chicago WaterLoan, 40 000Wisconsin State, 14.000Springtitld, I1L, 3l.MilKacineCitv, ll.iss)United States 5-SOs, H),tX)7,70090ti411 OHOlilSKI3L550a.7.'slPl.KOO111.4. SI133.4s-itii of Si. 10. OHOi 3oa. i:i5,(, 5sa.noShares. Stock. I'er calue. tyarket ralne.51)1 First NationalBank. Uartfor.L t.-O.UKIiSW American Nat 1."4,l-.sBank, Hartford.155 Charter Oak National Ilk, Hartford, 8!1 Pcenix NationalBank, Hartford,45 Citv Nat 1 Bank,Hartford,147 -Etna Nat, Bank.Hartford,9-i Farm'rs and Mechanics Nat. Bk.tHartford.33 Conn. Kiver Railroad. Legal Tender Comp.Interest Notes,11,500 li,6-'15.51111 15,655A! 11,1 -i".4.500 4.7-rI4.7IX) PMB49,J0U 11,0403,a3 3.2C432,00(1 x,mt051.00954.57Cash on hand and in Bank.Loans upon Policies in force, drawing6 per cent..Notes payable at Bank 30 days afterdemand.Cash and amounts due from Agentsand others.Bills Receivable,lntereat accrued.Debts for Premiums,Deferred Premiums,Orhie furni nre.1.021,953.97S9, 400.00156.J4.S.4S,4.5911.17,Vl.o94!-H 4ISIS.-WOOO.tXI000.00fei,(i;ll.sM3.05A m't at ruk thereon.Policies m tbrce January1st, ISttt. 7.216Issued during the year, ti,eO!(15.595.345SI. jtii,(l76lti,lJ5Terminated during year,by deatn. snrren.ler. an.inon-payment of Premiums, l.37l, insuring 4.2-21,4-i5Policies in force January1st. 1SSS. 14,154Of the .t9 Policies issueddaring the year.r.TM are tor Life. insurgand 45 are for term of 996(3I,4l07696, booKl.5(e,i76THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI,ACDITOK'S OlfFICK, JACKSOJI.JI. Thos. T. Swann. Auditor of Public A onnts,ef the State Mississippi de certify that the MmLife Insurance Company, located at Harttord. Conn.,has complied with the Act entitled an Act -Toregulate Agencies of Foreign Insurance Companies," approved January 31st, IS57; and in virtue ofthe power fa vested in me, by said law. I hereby authorise D. N Barrows, Agent for said Company, atJackson, in the county of Hinds, to transact business ef Insurance ia this State, until the first day efMarch, IS67.Given under mv hand aad seal of office, atL.S.: thecitvof Jackson, this 9th day of May,A. D. Istio,THOS. T. 8WAXX.jel.VUw Auditor of Public Accounts.Large Sale of Town IsOts.7"E will sell bout THREE HUNDREDlAi rs in tne town oiFOREST, MISS.This is the newly located County site of ScottCounty, Miss., and a Depot on the Jackson andMeridian Railroad, about ftT miles west ofMeridian, and beautiful and healthy locationfor Remdeoees. Business Houses. Schools anilChurches, an J cheap riving, .The rich Pr tirie Fanning 'Lands ray withinfew milesof this Depot. Thi kale wiP heto the highest bidder, and peremptory, on theISfi VAT OF JCLTSEXTand will be eftotinuol from day to day until,all are sold. -All sums ot d Htmdred D?"-!. tief-islis ail ailBtiirnMEMPHIS.i . -i ;'r,,..- m t vimi7 1 Z? V "4 'T'HK 8UCTHKRS BITTERS AUKrecommemded bv the Facility as the best remely ever given to the southern puUic tor the cureof Ilyspeusia. and the strenethcaing of constitutions weakened or enervated bv tW climate. Thevare free from adulteration or powerful drugs orcnemicals. and may be relied uon as of genuinerjotivnem inanulai tore.bold wholesale at the mannfu'Urv and depot bvine rropnetors.v. ii. iiiisEtrr sv co.,WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS,312 Second Street.MEMPHIS, TEX S.Mi--s.srs. ARTHUR. STONE A CO..Corner Gravier and Ttsopitoidas Street,NEVT OKLEAXS,Sole Agents for this market.Also by all Southern merchants Mav -ydtfS. V O S. M.4 I t.1. Cjri-ielialer,Ie a 1 e r i nCarets, Oil Cloth, Curtains, Jfiittiiig.X7TNDOW SHADES, et.-.,V I'pholsterinsr (.ooils.and all kinds ofabove business.Havinir been emnurcd in thin tne city of Metnuhis. since ls.')2. and con-n.s ted with the best houses, is a niaranteeHiat lie will give satifaction iu all his' tianac.tions..T. UISIEIABKR.mar 3 3m 375 Main st., M.-mpUis.rout. McGregor & co.,2S2 Front St., Memphis, Texx.COTTOX FACTORSANDCOMMISSION MERCHANTS,AND Dealers in AVestern Froduce. Consignments of Cotton solicited." MCC.REOOR'S BOURBON WHISKEY."Ttti.'' ,,.,.l..;,..i 4 r..- .. .i... ii ii.i, i i mi; .vriii. i Ml iiji- ,-,-n--brated brand which they keep constantly onhand. Prices are moderate. Samples will besent to parties wishing to purchase.n 'ts i . .net. KMit it .v"22 Front street. I'p Stairs.my2Jm Meiiijili s, Tenn..IAS. ii. tKiliKX, S. H. TOIIEY, J. tiKIFrING,Cash. 1st N. Hank, latefirlflins.t lidefirilliiis-Nashville. ToU'V, Memphis. Tobey,Mem ih is.OGDEN, TOBEY & CO.,BAXh'ERS AND BROKERS,NO. 10 JEFFERSON STREET, MEMPHIS.WILL RECEIVE DEPOSITS,BUY AX If SKI.LOOLD,SILVER.EXCHANGE.I'NCURRENT MON EY,AXI) ALL KIXDS OFOO VE It N M KNT SECUK IT1ES.SPECIAL attention pi yen to Collet-tons, andRemittances made promptly.Exchange on Xew York always vi hand.myS-trEDLTATIONAL.UMMEUVILLK IiMSTHUTE.TIIK LAROF-ST AXI) MOST Sl-fCKSftH I.Itonrdins Mcheel ia the Nonlnern NlateaFOR BOYS AXD YOI XO MEN.Tilt ftAi'i Sua U ifir, A i.ti ryR- f tt lettAjxrne rtj tK inmtiaHlau'.The SnmmrrviUe Innlihtte in fHltrtmized 6 thi firxtMen nj tlte fxruth.Til HIS old and highly useful and pomlarA Institution enlarged, refitted ami refurnished, and liavinj; the ablest corps of Tracli-ers ever brought together in this country, willenter upon its r otirteentb S-ssiun onlondny, I be fflrsl day af October n-xt.The Principal has assm-iatiil with iim inthe School, John M. PtiUi. k, A. M.. W. H.Kirktiatriik, A. M., and Mr. T.J. Wiliam:Prof. P. K. Holmes gives instruction in Musiceverv dav with commendable zeal and ibilitv.The School is situated in a hiuh. salibriousregion, known as the 'Mountains,"' elevenmiles from Shuiialak, on the Mobile aid hioRailroad, and is almost the only Schoo, of itsfrrade, that went tlirouh the war. Snce thesurrender, large aiblitions nave iss-n itaile tothe buildiiifrs, and the term closini' Jme ;iothis the most prosperous and useful oih knownin the history of the School, sueeesftil as ithas always been, r.very uraneli ol Mathematics, pure and mixed, includingCivil Engineering aid Practical Field Ojcralionwith a splendid equipment, is tauglit with thevery first ability. The classics andth. FrenchlaivuaKe form an important feature it theretrular course of study. All the English .irancliesan' ably and forcibly taught, ineliilin'; theNatural Sciences, illustrated by a eonplete apparatus. In short, the irrea test cart is takenwith the tramm!; of all Ikivs, at an' staire oftheir education. Yotinsr men are carefu'lvprepared for any particular callinar n life, orto enter any class in any I'niversjy. 'HieBook-Keeping1 Course here, is as gooi as anyin the regular Commercial Schools.The most frequent instruction givenstudentsis, to maintain tlieir sclf-reepect and le frentlemen, inileed; and no pains are spare, to as.sistthem in every interest.The chanres are. for Twenty we-ks, OneHundred and Twenty-five Dollars, iiivariablyin advance. Music, which is tiptional, Wasliinir and Fuel extra.To secure a room, or for other panieulaHaddress, Oholson, P. O., Miss.THOiS. S. GATHRIGHT,Principal and 1'rop-ietor.S3E!" Catalogues furnished on applicttion.jeiiMtol.FOREST HALL,'MAIHO.V, ALABAMA.ON the first of Octolier next, 1 will open inthis place a private, select SCHOOL forOIRLS, offering unusual advantages fir a finished educatian. The buildings are clef ant amicommodious: the grounds extensive and wellimproved. The school is fully furnished withLibraries, Apparatus, and every desirable ap-plian.-cs.It is especially adapted to advancedscholars youm? ladies who are finihiu? theirschool studies previous to entering society.There are five IToressor and Teachers of experience and most approved skill.As the number of pupils is limited to 30, ofwhom 20 will board at the Hall. Early application will probably be necessary to secire admission. For a Circular containing full information,and for a definite statement of terms, adlressNOAH K. DAV 15,jel7dA;w3m. Marion, Ma.DEAE AND DUMB EDLCAlED.IxsnriTt! fob Dv.xr ato Dumb. IJackson, Mise.. Nov , it. J'pHE Trustees of this Institution berery give1 notice that, pursuant to An Act uf the Legislature, they have made arrangement whenbr theLouisiana Institute for the Deaf. Dumb ant Blindlocated at Baton Kouge. Louisiana, will rersive andeducate the Deaf and Dumb of Missiseip.i, untilother arrangetnents can be made. Said jistitateendowed by the State, is located in a healthv region,and possesses a large and commodious buiiling prepared for the immediate reception of pupUt Cndertlie management of anetticieut corps of ten hers, itwill possess every facility for the education ofai n lea including instruction in trades.The State of Mississippi has provided the fundsnecessary for the free education of the Deal andDumb.The parent and friends of the mnte children ofthis State are earnestly invited to send them immediately to the Institute at Baton Kouge; wlere tbeywill be carefully nurtured and educated at the expense of their State.Address J. D. O'Cennell, Secretary, or A. K. Martin. Superintendent, at Baton Kouge, or the undersigned at this place.. ., . A. B. CABiNISS.April ldtf Frest. Board Trustees.NEWTONHIGH SCHOOL-THIS Institution will be opened on the FIRSTMONDAY OF FSBKUaKY. next, under thespperriiion of. REV. JAVES T. "WEST, Principal.D. W HA MITER.It is proposed to make this a first class scbooLThose woo may desire to prepare their sons for College, or gi-re them a tberonga practical edocatioa,are respectfully invited to the following conaideraUons. 1st- Kewtaa Station, situated aa the Son thermKadroad, thirty aulas west uf Meridian, ia easy ofaeeeat, aott a vary neaitay location.aa. D. W. Baasiser. wha is aa experiaced teacher,and christian fteBtiemnn. will turn tan board andlodging for boys sad yoai g irsa at his own resdeaoa,3d. Thoa wb but be interested a ta the anilityand qaahnratinas af the Teachee. aa reapsofully' Kev. J. N.WaddeLD D Caairaiaa rireity Miss.Rev. 3. IL AJrundet, E.asriaska. Him"-. Jadge Rob. Huntington, Carthafa atiaa,Rev IL S Giadner. Aberdee -Or.J. T. Watta, Kewtaa ..T R af 8 t 'mary Departmeot .,. .'.$150JeniicaJ ivpartment ,- ;:...-.-.. 2 00tt and Higher Branches Mathiaatica 3 00Ijbds-inx ...1200- specie or its equivalent, at thejatfc. Newton, MiaajanlWtf.- sr.v -MEDICALAn Old Song. Set to a New TonsX o o o.'A prg approachesAnts and EotuhemFrom their kales come out.And Mice and Hat.In spite of cats,Gailg skip about.""13 veara es'abiUhed in N Y Citv."-'Only ixifallH; rnie4ie8 known."Free from Poisons "' Not daageroas to tne Hai&an Family.'Rats eotne oat of their holes ta die.''COSTAE S" RAT, ROACH, ic , EXTER S,Us pate u4 for hats. Mies. Hooches,Hiack and Bed AnU. dLc Sc . e . A-ft.' COSTAU S BED BI G EXTERMINATOR.Is a l-qni-i wash --sed to destroy andais-j a, a preventive for Bed-Iiu, ic.COSTAKS- jELECTKIC POWDER EORINSECTS.Is f.-.r HuOit. Hitvpiiuts, Elras. Bed -Butts,tiwc's o 1'iants, Emeii, AnxmaU, ate.! I I Btwim I t I of all worthless imitations.I See that "Coatar s" name is oa each Boa. Bottle anil Flai.k, before yoa bnv.f-Ao'lre,., IlK.MtY R COSTAR,Is-J Broadwsy, N. V.CS-SoM in Jackson., INCREASE OF RATS. rh FrBier a.un(Kcglii-b) s-iv;t attii piovt-ii by t.tirta fbst off j-aof RATS will l.swe & progeny Knfl desr tdn'M thaia t'.rt in Uir veftrs Nw, in th.i-cifQiie family can b? heit down ttiey wull c.itllUir UiOC food tbaVQ WCUld U Alia 111 l.U" lma.aib- int?.ISOfi.JURATS irTv BIUDn- Wfawvrr euffkxg- in -hootuif smalt birdit is t roel luau; wtivvcr AiJii in rxt ri-iiDitir(c ratt i a bt-m factor W nVon.d likeBoEf one to (rtre us i b-ii tit if ib-ir est riscInviUK out tucs jk1!!!. Vi f u.'t (I somptt.iiir bt mddots, CaVtn, and rapn ir lb s bu-iu-Htu - Sm-lent ill tiC0.T AR'tS"' RAT EXTERMINATOR I imnle.Hate. nrt nr. tne roost perfprt KAT-lflcation tneet-njr wp liuve cvt- itteodefl. Every Kat tn&t in setit. propfrl y prepared, willrat it, and very one thateat. it will die, pens1 rally at aunt place rs iirtnt aspogibie trrm vhr ft lakea Iake hhore,f'See "Coatar V &dvetietrjent above.180G.HOUSEKEEPERS trouble! with vcrmta (need beso uo longer, if tbt-y nw Coatar'" Eaterminator Weavt men it to our awtisfaction; and tt a icx coat 9.),e would bavoit We have tiied poitons. bot tbevfTHctert noThtuK; bnt 'Cf nr's article knocks thereaihodi of K11U. Mic. Roaebea. Anta. and Bt-dBays, quicker than wecn write it It in iu (Treat de-man -1 ail ov-r tb c luutrv. Mdina lb 10, liiTftteI eSpfl "Clostar'n ' adTertlBementntUive18GG.A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST. Speaking of''CcHtar V, Rnacb, Ant. Arc. Eiteruuator"more rain and proviaioca are destroyed annaallyia (irant Cousty by vermin than wou-d pay for tonsof tbiRat aud Insect Kiilr." Lcter, Wi-j.Uerald.t'y.St e "rctta'"'1 adTertiptneut above.18GG.FARMERS AKD;IIOUSEKEEPERS abould reeollect that bundreds of dollar a worth of Grain, Provisions, tic. , are annually destroyed by Rata, Mire,Ant", aii a otbrr insect and vermin ai; of wbictican bt t rcvenfed by a few i.oilarV worth of 'Coatau " lta.1. Knarb, Aut, &-, KiXtvrmiuator, botlfiban't n-eit fr"pSee 'Codtir'."' advert Itosieut abovea Sold in Jackson, M is a.and all Druggist and Dealers. mL2Tdiw4m.DYSPEPSIA.DR. STRICKLANDS'TON IC u- a conceiitratctlpreiiaration of Roots amiIlcrlis, with anti-aciilsand cartninatives toKtrentrtbt-n the stomachmill nervous system.It is a certain rometlv forDyspppsiaor inlirestinn, Nervousness, Loss otAetit', Aciility of the Stomach, Elatnlnicyami Debility, it is not alcoholic, thereforeparticularly" siiilctl for Weak. Nervous andDyspeptic persons. For sale by all Druf,'ristseverywhere at f 1 per bottle.Du. STRICKLAND'SHas cured tliousamls of the worst cases of Illindand lllccdiiij' Iiles. It irives immediate relief.nnd effects a permanent cure. Try it dir. tlv.It is warranted to cure.For sale by all Druggists at 30 cents per liottle.Dk. sticklvxd sMELLIFLUOUSfOliill B.ILS.1Mis warr.-inti-d to be thconlt tirrtiaration knownto cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Asthma,Wboopiiisf Coiitjli, lironic Couirlis, Consumption, ltroncliitis and Croup. Bcin? preparedfrom Honey and Herbs, it is healing, softeninir, and expectorating, mid particularly suitable for all affections of the Throat and Luiiirs.For sale by all Iirtifigists everywhere.DIAERHCEA.Over 1S.00O soldiers were cured of Diarrhojaand Djrsentary last year by the use of Dr. Strickland' s'Anti-Ciiolera Mixiure. The fact of itslieinsr so extensively usoti in the Hosjiitiils, isproof of the efficacy ef Dr. Strleland's AntiCholera Mixture for tlie cure of acute andchronic cases of Diarrhea and Dysentery.This is the only preparation known as a safeand certain remedy for Cholera. Do not bewithout so valuable a medicinp Oct a bottleof it directly. It is nold by all druists at 50cents per bottle.BF.N HAHDAWAY, Vieksbar. Wholesale Agt.E3T" Eor sale in this city at the Drug SUireof .Messrs. Ash A Lenity, Craft & Johnson,and liuck & Balev, janloTHESE BITTERS ARK PREPARED IS PTRBBourbon Whatkvy, from a combtnatwn ef orr tm ntydiffernt kinds of rooea. barka and barba, wbieh act iaperfect concert one with the other, prepared from theoritTiual formala given by the area chief led Jacket,to Dr. Cbapin. who need them aneceeafally ia hie practice for many years, and by their oa ruaevi an arreat apopalarity in the treatment and cure of Byepiy-w,LiTer Complaint, Conatipatkm, Sick and Kervnoa Ileadaehe, F"-er aad Ague, and ail dietaea ertwat; froaatorpid liver and iodigestaOtu Peraoaa mffennt; frmaeither of these loathaosn diaaaa will tnd a core by theee of these Bitten, which are perfectly pure and freefrom ail those drags and poisons naoaiiy pat op in eachprepare done, and palased off oa an nntmp-eetitia; pablio.A BSarl trial will eoavinee the nwet akepticai that iathe R&D JAC&KT there la ft vwtoa that ao otherBittaraTbey atrecjrthea and invtjroraU the ayateiD.They are unequalled for ireneral debility.They are a care for DytpepetswThey jriva a grood and heaiUiy appetite.They aeaiat dilation.They pnnfy the breath and acidity of the etosuKk.Tbey euro DiarrboBa aad Cholera Morboa.They are aa antidote to change of water aad diet.Tbey are the beat stimulant in existeaoe.They are a preventive f fever aad Aga.They relieve Cooacipataoa.They care Nervous Headach.Tbey are perfects pare and paiatahla.The sntzine RKD JACKET BITTXRA are only aoI4ta onart bottles : waver by the mlloa, ojoart or pantDee that oar private Oovaraaieot staAp la anbrokes.Bold by aU drocsiata and dealara tfarocboot thaconn try.Call for Bed JacfcK tad take a other.CucaJazs taw txwie supplied ea applicatiosk.EE5IETT PETEES & CO,: Frepriatara,Ke. 16 Sooth Second street,ST. LOUIS, MOJ. W. K0ERIS & CO., , ;Wlsalaaala Ag-eata,52 Canal Street,Ne Orleaiia.To whom all orders aboold be iiidrasatt -AprU37Uvl7XEW: YORK.C. BatETILt, J. J. SBCRKAW,Colnmhaa, Visa. For North, Sherman A Co. N T.". POP. GEO. L WILLIAMS,Col am bus. Miss. Memphis Tenn.BASKERVILLE,' SHERMAN A CO.WHOLESALE OROCERSANDCOMMISSION MERCHANTS,Importers and Dealer inB1UXDIES. WIXES, TOBJ.CCO,' CIGARS, sreXo. 34 Cortlsndt Street -Ifayaain ' - JTZ W TOR K.PACIFIC HOTEL,1,7 0. 17 2, 1 74 A 176 Greenwich,(One a-faro west of Broadway.)Between Co art land t A Dcy Streets,Wrnw York.. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Proprietor.Tbe Pacific Roto! is well and widely known to thetraveling public. The location is especiali suitableto merchants sadbasineaa men; it is ia el se proximity to the baaineee part of the city i on the highway of Southern and Western travel and adjacent toall the principal Railroad and St-eatoboat depot.The Pacific ba liberal accommodation for over 300guest; it ia well farniebod. and posaesaea every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainmentof its inmates. The rooms are spaciona, and well ventilated; provided with gas and water; attendance isprompt aad respectful: and the table ia generally provided with every delicacy of the season. .Tbe sabcrib?r who. tor the pat few years, batheo the leaaee, is sow sole proprietor, and "intends toIdentify himself thoroughly with the interest of hisboase. With long experience aa a hotel keeper, hetrust, by moderate charges and liberal policy, tomaintain the favorable reputation of the Pac;heHotel. April 14diyV . R . II U T C II E SON.(Late of Shepherd A Moore, of Memphis. Tenn )EVANS, (iARDNER k CO,(Formerly of Xashville, Tena..)IJirORTIRS AXD DtALKliS IXDry Good, Gloves, Hosiery, tc, dc,.1 S O ll.aadwar. K K w VOKK.June 5, lHw;. il.'lm.DUllYEE & JAUUKtS,MAXUFATUREKS OFFUR AND WOOL HATS,BY TIIK CASK.Also Jobbers and Wholesale Dealers laANT)H t i a w O o o d s 'Bias. 84 and 66 Llspcnard Street,( First Door from Broadway. )NEW YORK.fp-FACTORY Newark, N. J.Jkhail Read, late George W. &'jchial ReadMay 27-dOtn.THECareat Southern ICrmrdv.TKCOilST'SCompound Extract ofOPAIBA AND SARSAPARILLAHas acquired the utnio-t fame in every part ofthe world; it has )een examined, approved ofand sanctioned hvthe faculty of medicine, andrecommended hy the mnt eminent of the pro.icsMon.As a SL'RE and SPEEDY cure for all Dis-rasks of the Bladder, and I rixahy or.GAXStlK BOTH sKXES.TO SKCI RETHE STAMPOn Each PutY ill also bearThe Genuineobserve thisLABEL. tiTIjUie Name(IF 1I1RPRKI'KIKTORAXD THEBl'RNRD ONand coveriimtlie bottom ofI'nited StatesAtiENT.Each 1'otNONE OTHER IS GENUINE."fJTObserve thee iirei-autions and addres ordcr to.TARRANT Sl O.No.2TH Greenwich Street, New York.Sold by all Urtis.irixt.June :!7-d-tiiji.J. S. CHILES,Formerly of Memphis, Tenn.. withI in, Currier &. Co.,Mmiufaeturer and Ii'alers inBOOTS AND SHOES.a-l WARREN STREET,NEW YORK.June 2tW-2m.PIEIiSOX $ CO.,MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OKCLOTH INC.,491 KKOIIIUtV, J94NEW YORK.AXD27 MAGAZINE STREET,Veit Orleans, In.June tiC-d-liu.ROBACK'SSUGAR-COATED,PURELY VEGETABLE.. Free froiii MercurjwottaifiOA NilALL MINERAL POISON,And are, undoubtedly, the .bet remedy extantSICK AXD XEHYOl'S HEADACHE !Operating .they do. br Tirtiiw a special amnitv Ihr ihmucous membrane of the bowels.thereby removing tha causes. As aLIVER PILLthey can have no rittal, being compoaeil of the mostPowerful Vegetable Extractswhich hare a direct action on theSPLEEN AND LIVER,the happy efTecl of a hieh can beaeen after one or two doses. TheyRemove the Rile,Asxist Digestion,Cure Cotiveneft,la fif-t, they are, aa their namei.idK-au-M, theBLOOD PILL"The Life-Gi ing Principle."They much out disease andMniceai its trerr root, tearing theyatem in the full T'lror nf h-Klth;are PERFECTLY HlRMLf.lS TOINFANT). OR PKK.SO.N3 OF THEMOST UELICATE CiNSTIIUTI0NS, and are aSAFES, SURER AHD BETTERPurgative Pillott0awttcoddMHS3ottatttooddthan has eyr before been availableto mankind, and, being thickly 817-GAiUCliATF.rj.aree-periallyadatit-Mied as a REMEDY FORTH 1 1 rR cvrtctand persons who hare a dread afswallowing a pill. They are, unquestionably, one of our moataaunwiory CATHAKTUX, .an,1 Mn . . i , -S should k witb.TN vX aut them. ae ,PRINCE, WALTON & CO.,(Sacceasor to Dr. C. W. Boback,)SOLE PROPRIETORS,Woe, 68, 68, 60 & 62 East Third St,CINCIIVJVA.TI, O.Are Sold by aU Druggists andDealer in Patent MedicinesFVERYWHERE.s bntmiii, xLONDONVVEtT TORI. I. SOI.S 1QINTVt roaTHC ecy. FOROperating, 01.J they do, by rirtiie Xp jf of a special affinity lor themucous membrane of the hocrla.NOW IS YOUR TIME TO PURCHASEWliolesale orGREAT SOUTHERN HOUSEO FItOCH BECKER. Sc CO.,.,4T 0nal street, . 0 117Who are now olTerlnK rara Inducements their 'rastomers Ihronabent Ihelrentire stark, which consists ofCLOAKS. IK CLOTH AND SILKS,LACE SHAWLS OF iLl DESCRIPTIONS AND PRICES,KIBBOXS IX CHEAT VAEIETT. BLACK SILKS OF At L QVAL1TIKS.CORSETS, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, LACES INGREAT VARIETY, PORTMONIES, COMBS,BRUSHES, BUCKLES, NETS, PERFUMERIES AND TOILET ARTICLES.ALSOLadle and Gents FurnlsblBfr 4. nods.ryofi.- prices defy competition. o.xe pbice vyirKociiA, ii: iti;i: t to,May 2-Mif. 147 Canal Street, N. O.WALLACE &J OO.a74 CANAL STREET (Slocomb's IU iloixgs)Atttt il, lXl 4. y. Common Street, Adjoining Citij lltt,l,NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA.Oiler for sale their'stock ofFOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY (,0(s.Hoots. Shoes and Hats,A X D P L A X T A TIO X C L O T 11 1 X i.To the Country trade, ptiarauteeiiij; :w lili.aloanuuiiiiK tueir saies to oe at .-sew iorkMA LONE & CONNOLLY,(SUCCESSORS TO WALKINGTON A CO.,)AVE R E M 0 V E D TO T II E X E W S T 0 R E,Xo. 114 Dauphin Street,1 13 e t'w efln Co iineiition ami 'Joaohiin ntr t si,MOBILE, ALA.Where they will offer for sale a Large an-I well Selecto.l Stock ofFrom the New York market, which will he sol.lLOW PRICES FOR CASH.Their friends and patrons, also the old customers of the lale firm of Walking ton A Coare respectfully inviied to call and exaiuitie lH f'ore purcliasiuK elsew hero.April indOmW. H. & W. SMITH, St. Louis,Smiths & Parsons,COMMISSION AXD FORWARDING MERCHANTS.AND WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALERS INony goods and plantation suppues tAt Crutclier & MoRaven's old stand.Cor. Crawford V ValiiiiarIon su. Vick.Iuirs Hi.April IdGui.WM. ORGILL, G. L. DEN I SON,ORGILL, BROS & CO.,Importers and Dealers inHardware, Catlery, Nails, Castings, Iron, Sh-rl, Tackle Blocks,HOUSE SHOES, BOAT SriKES, EKENCII WINDOW (J LASS,GARDEX SEEDS,limiting- aud I'atkln, llorneThreshing Machines,Anil !K very thi he 1'ertaini nu to I li oII A li D W A It E AND A O IS I C U L TjUtJ A L TRADE,At their Old Stand,NO. Til ' URONT STREET, CorneiMoiir.."tleiiinlilH,AGENTS FOR MARVIN A CO S SAFES.LOUISVILLE.J. D. BON DC RANT, FI1FLDT TODD.BONDURANT & TODD,Wholesale Dealers inFIELD AXD GARDEX SEEDS,And Manufacturers ofAfrrfulloral Jmplr-mrnts, Scales, KIc,Main St., between Third A Fourth,M.iy:t13in l.OVl&Vll.I.E, KY.FOR CHILLS AM) FEVER ! !USE T II E B E S T ! !Hurley Ague TonicKerer Faila-.l way la be Dependedt'poa .Malaing llare ICeliableTbaa Hurley's Taair.1V7 L L cure Atruo and Fever, Chills andJ Fever, Intermittent Fever. Imtiilt Airne.Every eron who has tried Iluiiey's Tunicspeats in the hijrhe.-t terms of it. Asa tirative ajrent, it is tin-iirpasseil, and more certainthan (iiniiine. No had results from usinIlarlcy's Tonic. Every Ixuly i-hould u-eHURLEY'S AGL'E TOXIC.Send your order toHI'IiliKV, RL DDLEA CO..lropri-tors, Louisville, Ky.HURLEY'S STOMACH HITTERS.For Oehility, Los of Apix tite, Wtakni",Indiirestion or lysep.ia, wi.ntof action of theLiver. Disordered Stomach, there are no hittersthat compare with the-e in removing thc-e dii.tresMng complaints. For snleor can tie had atany Drug store in the I'nited States, or fromthe proprietors, Louisville. Ky.. corner sveventhand Green streets, to whom all orders shouldbe addressed.HURLEY'S SARSAPARILLA.The irrr-at Blood Ptiritier, as a prini' and.Sumincr Medicine, stands unrivalled, removesall impurities from the blood, and (fives healthand i-trenth to the system.HURLEY RUDDLE ..Proprietors.HURLEY'S POPULAR WORM CANDY.As this is really a fpecifie for Worms, andthe best and mot palatable form to srivc tochildren, it is not surprising that it i" ,:l"t taking the place of all other preparations furworm it bV-iug tasteless, any child willtake it.ORIENTAL PEAKL DROPS.For beautify intr the Complexion, ett.tuullyremoving Tan. Freekles, illou hes, and rivingthe skin an elegant smoothness not ea-ily attained by any other. Itf use amon? the ladiesof fashion in the East, give it a character forefficacy which at once stamp it as infinitelysitlM-rior for the toilet uf any lady.INK, INK, INK.Seiton's Chemical Writinz Fluid is becomingworld-renowned forits superior quality. Having been introduced only about six years, ithas become the principal in use with those whowant a tine, free flowing ink, and for permanency, it is decidedly the best ink for recordthat can be ued. I or counting boues, banksor schools, it ia unequalled, and needs onlv tooe tried to oe approved. For sale by In'gint and Merchants everywhere.HURLEY, RUDDLE & CO.,proprietors,.Corner Seventh and Green Streets,IblTdAwtira. joai-st-ille. Ky.POWERS' PATENTPERPETUAL BROOM.Tor Clrenlani ar i,rim. ar TerrlloTy la th United States, addreaa,a n o. a-. Ci WITT sc ftTKS,Aprflndtf LOUISVILLE, XT.ternw as fany li.mse in New Orleans, ftu.lnrtees. Marcli:Ud'iUiatK. K. PARSONS, riclsbury,EDMUND ORG ILL. A. 8. MtNEARFEED CUTTERS,Powers, Reaping Mowing andTenn.April 25d3mVICKSBUUG.CITY BANK UF VICKSBUUG,A llsili af Uepasit.I ays and Bella Foreign and ;Denilleati t.aage, Cola and I ncurnnl none y,W 8 WHEELKR, ManagerRIH8MCH .Bank of New York, New York cityMerchants National hsok. Cincinnati, O.i Holomonsturgn Hnss Cab-ago, Ilia ; City Natemal Bank. CairoI I.-, Alien Coup II Nlbt, bt I.oal, Mo i HeconrlNational Bank, 8t Louis, Mo , First Nalional Bank,Memphis. Teun ; Citizens Hank. Smm cirlans. La iPUe. apeyre a Brothers, New Orleans, l.aNnl!Mlr(ilKAHIl STITK.S,HAMILTON WHI;ilT,A. V. liKKE.N.JNO. I'ANSKDY, JK.STITES, (iUEEX CO ,'hltsnle, anil l!,:ltiil Di alers inGroceries, Wines, IAquors,PLANTATION St TPLIES. ETC.,I.onier of South and Mulberry street,j"nll-im Vicksbiirg.U. I. O'BEILLF, B. F. BOWLINO,O'REILLY" i HOWLING,WHOLESALE AND KETAILO Tri O C E IR, sANDDEALERS IN GENERAL PRODUCE.The best Brands olFlour and l,lquor.Levee St.. 1st Brick Store Scnitli of China St.,Directly opposite Williams A Co ' Wharf boat,r'eb 3 dly VICKSBCRO, MISS.Yazoo, Tchlla and TallahatchieEM I-WEEKLY' PACKET,Calu mot,S. II. Parisot. Master. T. W. Richards Clerk.EAVE icksburg every Friday, at p. m.,M-t (after rrival cars.) for" Yazoo City, TchuiaMdori, Greenwood and Tallahat.liie river,going tip and down through T.hula Lake,oimects with Steamer (Quitman, from Newtrrlcans.Leave Vicksbiirg every Tuesday at 0 p. m.,for Yazoo ( ity, West side Honey Island, sjiionand Greenwood, returning same way. Connects with Meamer Fashion, from New'urb-ans.All freight consigned to our agent will bepromptly attended to.D. W. LAM KIN, A?ent,Pa k- t U'harf lloat,April 27 C-3ui. Yicksburg. Miss.Louis Hotrman & Bro.,ANCFACTCSkHS AND ISkAUDLkUr, PLUIA4, NAILH,BKtTlVO AMD IIOPK.of ail size wholesale! ami retail.VVe are also agents for Whoeler tVi'ilson'a SEWING MACHINES.LOUIS HOFFMAN & BRO..Washington at., VicksliurK.Dec. 30 1H6A lyHENRY HAMMETT,HSOUULI iSn RETAIL DIALCM InHARDWARE,QUEEXSWAEE,TIN WAKE,VtMtliiaTton Hotel Jluildine,-"y YirKsauha missF. W. J0H.NS. R. J. LIC. CALYIT JOHNJOHNS, LEE 4 JOHNS,HholtsaU and Retaila it o c e -;R s.COTTON F -A. G T O H.AND .COMMiaSIOiS A1EECIIANT3,Na 2. Mulberry Street,AprOldSB nCXSBUXQ, MISS.N' . - - v' " ' .. ."'f I 2ff7e9595c

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